Well-being in science & Early Career Researchers

I find the job of an astronomer is scientist is the most beautiful job in the world, as long as we create and sustain a community that welcomes, supports, and values all of its members, regardless of who they are and their career stage. To support this goal, I am active in organizing special conference events for Early Career Researchers and the more senior colleagues that want to support them. I was also a Committee Member of Early Career Network of the Royal Astronomical Society. 

For resources on this topic, I recommend the overview of my colleague Floor Broekgaarden.

Upcoming events:
European Astronomical Society meeting in Padova (July 2024)
We have proposed for a new edition of the EAS Early Career Day in 2024; stay tuned for more information.

Recent events:

European Astronomical Society meeting in Krakow (July 2023)
For the first time endorsed by the EAS as an official part of the program, we returned with an Early Career Day at EAS 2023. See the program page for more information.

National Astronomy Meeting in Cardiff (July 2023)
The RAS ECN also again organized a careers panel and early-career town hall at NAM 2023.  

Past events:

European Astronomical Society meeting in Valencia (27 June - 1 July 2022)
Building on the succes of last year's online EAS session for Early Career Astronomers, we organized an in-person day aiming to bring together anyone that wants to discuss how to support young astronomers and how to navigate an uncertaint and competitive job market. More information can be found here, or on the program on the right. 

National Astronomy Meeting in Warwick (11 - 15 July 2022)
As a national equivalent to the EAS session, we collaborated with the Royal Astronomical Society's Early Career Network to host a number of talks about supporting junior scientists and a panel about academic and non-academic careers. See the NAM website for more details.

As the fully virtual EAS in 2021, we also organized a discussion day for Early Career Researchers. See the archived website here